Help on Draft TypesHelp Index

Fantasy Postseason offers three draft types:

  • Live-Draft: In a Live-Draft, each manager selects players in real-time against others.
  • A maximum of 20 managers are permitted.

  • If a 'No Timer - Slow Draft' is selected, an email is sent to the team on the clock (after 30 minutes of being on the clock - assuming no selection is made during that time). Users must leave our default of 'Yes' on the 'Notify me of league events (pending trades, etc) via email' setting within Settings / Edit Team Settings - if it is turned off, no email will be sent.
  • Auto-Draft: In an Auto-Draft, our system automatically selects players for each manager. The system selects either the highest-rated player in our default rankings or your pre-draft rankings. Note: Your pre-draft rankings are vital in many ways, as they will also become your default picks in a Live draft (should you either fail to appear, or fail to make a selection in time).

  • Off-line Draft: In an Off-line Draft, the league commissioner loads the league draft results. Note: If 'Allow Managers to Create Team' is set Yes, each manager can enter their own. To enter draft results, first ensure that an 'Off-line Draft' has been selected. Once all members have joined the league, go to your League home page and select 'Enter Draft Results' from the 'Admin Tools' menu. Select a Team, and add all players selected by that manager (remove options are also available if the wrong player is selected). Once players have been loaded and verified for each team, select 'Activate League' to lock in the results.
  • For commissioners that wish to track round and pick selections, players should be entered in the order selected by each manager. When adding a player to a manager's roster, an optional 'Overall Pick #' dialog displays - enter the correct value and select 'Add'. Please note that the round and pick number is not editable (it is assumed that each player will be added in the correct order with the correct pick value). If an error with the entry occurs, remove the player(s) from the manager's roster, and then re-add the player(s) in the correct order with the correct pick number. The 'Show Current Draft Results' button is available to assist during the entry.

For details on draft order options (e.g. Snake, Banzai), please see Draft Order.